Cutremur de 7,3, la graniţa dintre Iran şi Irak: Peste 400 de morţi şi 7.000 de răniţi


Peste 400 de oameni au murit, iar alţii 7.000 au fost răniţi în urma cutremurului cu magnitudinea de 7,3 grade care a afectat regiunea muntoasă de la graniţa dintre Iran şi Irak, relatează site-ul BBC News.

Echipele de salvare depun eforturi pentru a salva cetăţenii prinşi sub derâmături. Cel mai grav afectat a fost districtul Sarpol-e Zahab, însă cutremurul s-a resimţit până şi în Turcia, Qatar şi Israel, fiind considerat cel mai mare cutremur din 2017.

Terenul muntos şi alunecările de teren provocate de seism îngreunează eforturile de căutare a supravieţuitorilor, au declarat oficialii iranieni.


SULAYMANIYAH, IRAQ - NOVEMBER 13: Collapsed buildings are seen in Derbendihan district of Sulaymaniyah, Iraq on November 13, 2017 following a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the Iraq and Iran. An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked northern Iraq and Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Sunday evening. Turkish paramedic teams and rescue teams dispatched to the disaster area under the coordination of Turkish aid agencies; AFAD (Turkey's Disaster Management Agency) and Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent). At least 211 died and 2,504 others were injured in Iran's bordering regions, especially in Kermanshah province in west. Yunus Keles / Anadolu Agency

KERMANSHAH, IRAN - NOVEMBER 13: A car is trapped under the rubble in Sarpol-e Zahab town of Kermanshah, Iran on November 13, 2017 following a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the Iraq and Iran. An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked northern Iraq and Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Sunday evening. Turkish paramedic teams and rescue teams dispatched to the disaster area under the coordination of Turkish aid agencies; AFAD (Turkey's Disaster Management Agency) and Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent). At least 211 died and 2,504 others were injured in Iran's bordering regions, especially in Kermanshah province in west. Fatemeh Bahrami / Anadolu Agency

KERMANSHAH, IRAN - NOVEMBER 13: Military search and rescue teams continue rescue works near a partially collapsed building in Sarpol-e Zahab town of Kermanshah, Iran on November 13, 2017 following a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the Iraq and Iran. An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked northern Iraq and Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Sunday evening. Turkish paramedic teams and rescue teams dispatched to the disaster area under the coordination of Turkish aid agencies; AFAD (Turkey's Disaster Management Agency) and Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent). At least 211 died and 2,504 others were injured in Iran's bordering regions, especially in Kermanshah province in west. Fatemeh Bahrami / Anadolu Agency

KERMANSHAH, IRAN - NOVEMBER 13: Civilians and soldiers search for the possible survivors trapped under the debris in Sarpol-e Zahab town of Kermanshah, Iran on November 13, 2017 following a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that hit the Iraq and Iran. An earthquake measuring 7.3 on the Richter scale rocked northern Iraq and Iran, the U.S. Geological Survey said on Sunday evening. Turkish paramedic teams and rescue teams dispatched to the disaster area under the coordination of Turkish aid agencies; AFAD (Turkey's Disaster Management Agency) and Kizilay (Turkish Red Crescent). At least 211 died and 2,504 others were injured in Iran's bordering regions, especially in Kermanshah province in west. Fatemeh Bahrami / Anadolu Agency

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