Inundaţii catastrofale în SUA. Cinci oameni s-au înecat, iar peste două mii au avut nevoie de ajutorul salvatorilor (FOTO)

Flooding and debris are seen after Hurricane Harvey hit Rockport, Texas, U.S., on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017. As Harvey's winds die down, trouble for Texas has just begun as days of flooding rains across the heart of U.S. energy production threaten the country's fourth-largest city and leave farmers struggling to save horses, cows and crops. Photographer: Alex Scott/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Uraganul Harvey a provocat inundaţii devastatoare în statul american Texas. Cel puţin cinci oameni s-au înecat, iar peste două mii au avut nevoie de ajutorul salvatorilor, pentru a fi evacuaţi din calea puhoaielor, transmite publika.

În ultimele 24 de ore, pe străzile oraşelor, nivelul apei a crescut considerabil, iar în unele locuri a depăşit doi metri. Meteorologii americani susţin că urgia care s-a abătut peste sud-estul statului este cel mai distrugător fenomen meteo din ultimii 50 de ani.

Străzile câtorva oraşe din Texas s-au transformat în râuri. Oamenii folosesc bărcile pentru a se deplasa. Echipele de intervenție s-au grăbit să salveze sute de persoane care au rămas blocate în propriile case sau maşini. Autorităţile nu au făcut deocamdată bilanţul tragediei, iar numărul victimelor este incert.

Toate cursele aeriene de pe aeroportul din Houston au fost anulate, după ce pistele au fost inundate. Guvernatorul statului Texas a declarat stare de urgență şi a ordonat evacuarea obligatorie a 22 de localităţi.

Președintele american Donald Trump a convocat mai multe şedinţe de urgenţă şi va merge marţi în statul Texas, unde furtuna a provocat pagube uriaşe.

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Flooding and a damaged home are seen after Hurricane Harvey hit Rockport, Texas, U.S., on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017. As Harvey's winds die down, trouble for Texas has just begun as days of flooding rains across the heart of U.S. energy production threaten the country's fourth-largest city and leave farmers struggling to save horses, cows and crops. Photographer: Alex Scott/Bloomberg via Getty Images

TEXAS, UNITED STATES - AUGUST 26: A general view of Kemah after Hurricane Harvey in Kemah, Texas, USA on August 26, 2017. (Photo by Tharindu Nallaperuma/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

WOODLANDS, USA - AUGUST 27: Cars pass through a flooded highway during Hurricane Harvey in Woodlands, TX, United States on August 27, 2017. (Photo by Tharindu Nallaperuma/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

HOUSTON, TX - AUGUST 27 2017:  Tropical Storm Harvey creates epic flooding throughout Houston and Southeast Texas.  (Photo by Robert Gauthier/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Debris is seen inside of a damaged business after Hurricane Harvey hit Rockport, Texas, U.S., on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2017. As Harvey's winds die down, trouble for Texas has just begun as days of flooding rains across the heart of U.S. energy production threaten the country's fourth-largest city and leave farmers struggling to save horses, cows and crops. Photographer: Alex Scott/Bloomberg via Getty Images

ROCKPORT, TX - AUGUST 26:  Members of the Texas Task Force 2 search and rescue team work through a destroyed apartment complex trying to find anyone that still may be in the apartment complex after Hurricane Harvey passed through on August 27, 2017 in Rockport, Texas. Harvey made landfall shortly after 11 p.m. Friday, just north of Port Aransas as a Category 4 storm and is being reported as the strongest hurricane to hit the United States since Wilma in 2005. Forecasts call for as much as 30 inches of rain to fall in the next few days.  (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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