Aproximativ 750.000 de copii din estul Ucrainei ar putea rămâne fără apă potabilă

On 13 February 2017, first grade students, including Sasha (in red sweater), 6, participate in a drill to practice their response during a shelling in a part of the school building with strong walls. The school does not have a basement which can be used as a bomb shelter.  Sasha’s house is located some 15 kilometers from the contact line in Toretsk, Donetsk Region, Ukraine.  Sasha and her sister, Diana, have been living with their grandmother in this house since the beginning of the conflict in 2014 while their parents live in Donetsk city where they work.

As the volatile conflict in eastern Ukraine enters its fourth year, 1 million children are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance – nearly double the number this time last year, said UNICEF. The increase – an additional 420,000 girls and boys – is due to the continued fighting and the steady deterioration of life in eastern Ukraine, where some 1.7 million people have been internally displaced, and many families have lost their incomes, social benefits and access to healthcare, while the price of living has sharply risen. 

Hundreds of daily ceasefire violations put children’s physical safety and psychological well-being at risk. The situation is particularly grave for the approximately 200,000 girls and boys living within 15 kilometres on each side of the ‘contact line’ in eastern Ukraine, a line which divides government and non-government controlled areas where fighting is most severe. In this zone, 19,000 children face constant danger from landmines and other unexploded ordinance and 12,000 children live in communities shelled at least once a month. Thousands of children are regularly forced to take refuge in improvised bomb shelters.

Aproape 750.000 de copii din estul Ucrainei pot rămâne fără apă potabilă curată, ca urmare a confruntărilor armate din teritoriile cu o importantă infrastructură civilă – avertizează un raport al Fondului Națiunilor Unite pentru Copii (UNICEF), scrie rador.

Potrivit documentului, această situație din Donbas amenință cu un focar de boli infecțioase.

„În această săptămână, din cauza escaladării conflictului armat și, în special, a atacurilor, au fost avariate două stații de purificare a apei. Ca urmare a acestei situații, aproximativ 400.000 de persoane, inclusiv 104.000 de copii, de pe ambele părți ale liniei frontului din regiunea Donețk au fost private timp de patru zile de accesul la apă potabilă” – se arată în raport, menționându-se că, joi seară, echipele de intervenție au reușit să restabilească sistemul de alimentare cu apă distrus de bombardamente.

Potrivit UNICEF, aproximativ 3.000.000 de oameni din estul Ucrainei depind de sistemele de tratare a apei în jurul cărora au loc confruntări armate.

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